Andy Findlay


Best Match weight: 362lb - Makins Fishery
Favourite Venue: Makins Fishery
Favourite Method: The Method Feeder
Top Three Sonubaits Products:
1) Fin Perfect Feed Pellets
2) Pro Expanders
3) Pro Hookable Expanders

Andy's Angling Life:
I've been successfully match fishing for over 30 years, the first 10 of that were mostly on rivers and canals and some still waters before moving onto commercials in the late 80s. Since then I've fished commercials exclusively and never looked back!
Presently I enjoy fishing smaller local matches with the occasional league/ major competition thrown in and win around 50+matches a year! I'm sure my match win total to date must be 1000+ I guess! I plan to carry on with this routine as I enjoy the friendly competition and winning!
I have many favourite ways of fishing, though I guess I'm mostly known for my results on the feeder or paste fishing – I love it!
Fin Perfect 2mms loaded around an ICS Method Feeder with an expander pellet on a Rapid Stop is my go-to approach!

Angling Ambition: Keep on winning.