Andrew Cranston

Best Match weight:
298lb – Todber Manor

Favourite Venue:
Upper Tamar Lake

Favourite Method:
Roach fishing on the pole on natural venues.

Top Three Sonubaits Products:
1) F1 Dark
2) So Natural Black Roach
3) So Natural Black River

Andrew‘s Angling Life:

I started match fishing at the age of 14, but had been a keen angler pleasure fishing with my dad from the age of 7 or 8. I pretty much dived straight into open matches and team events with Devizes on the local natural venues. At the age of 17 I fished my first international event with England and also joined Preston Innovations Thatchers in the same year. I have now represented England on four occasions winning a team bronze medal along the way. I now like to keep my fishing varied and while predominantly fish natural venues do also fish high level events on commercials too.

Angling Ambition:
To represent England long term and one day be individual and team world champion!