Colin Scott

Best Match weight: 222lb

Favourite Venue: Partridge lakes / The Glebe

Favourite Method: Shallow fishing for carp

Top Three Sonubaits Products:
1) Match Method Mix
2) Pro Feed Pellets
3) Haze Liquids

Angling Ambition: To be the first person to win a major title on the big carp scene and the match scene

Angling History: Carp fishing since the age of 15, growing up
fishing gin clear old mill ponds as a young boy stood me in good stead, watching and learning how carp behave in natural environments gives you that edge.

5 major carp championship finals, BCAC x2, UK Carp Champs x2, British Carp Cup x1.

UK Carp Champion 2017.

I love the whole cat and mouse part of chasing old Wiley carp, my favourite type has to be stalking them out of the edge.

PB Carp: 45lb 2oz RH Fishery The Sitch

PB Europe: 47lb 1oz Jonchery France

Favourite Venue:
Farlows / Linear Fishery

Favourite Tactic:
Solid Bags, always presenting a hookbait

Favourite Sonubaits Product: A mix of 1mm Pro Feed and flavoured 2mm/3mm pellets that suit my solid bag fishing perfectly.

Carp Angling Ambitions: To win the BCAC