Kayleigh Smith

Kayleigh's Angling Life:kayleighsmith-1.jpg
My life in angling started out much different to most as none of my family has ever been interested in fishing. It all started during the school holidays when some friends were fishing at a local quarry where I used to walk my dog. After seeing them all having fun I asked my parents if I could start going fishing and they bought me a little set up from Argos, every day I would go into the tackle shop for ½ a pint of maggots and off I went for the day with my friends and the dog and I would be back home when it was dark. From this I joined the local junior club which was Leeds Juniors and that’s how I started match fishing. Every Saturday I would fish matches from club matches to national matches, which we usually did pretty well in. From this I continued to go and fish regularly fishing open matches on various venues from Lindholme through to the Stanie (Stainforth & Keadby Canal), this has taken me to where I am today. I currently fish on average a couple of times every week, with the styles depending on the time of year everything from commercial fishing for F1s to fishing bloodworm on the canal. Currently I fish with both the England Ladies Coarse and Carp Teams.

Angling Ambition: Win a gold medal for England and qualify for a big money final.