duben 2020

Tench Bait Mix

Dai Gribble shows you how to make his proven tench bait mix.

Unlike bream, that will often eat anything that you put in the swim, the tench can be a little more picky. I use a mixture of small pellets, maggots and hemp. Most waters that hold big tench will probably also hold big carp. These fish will see a lot of fishmeal baits, therefore adding some small pellets to the mix will help pull the fish into the swim. Maggots speak for themselves, they have been catching big tench for many years; and the final bait is hemp, the perfect particle to keep the fish grubbing about.

All of the baits are mixed together before being introduced to the swim. I'm looking to find a clear area between the weed when tench fishing. The tench love weed and will happily feed with their heads buried into it, but by targeting the clear areas you will be 100% confident that your rigs are presented perfectly. I will kick off the swim with 10 spods full of my mix. This will gradually be topped up by including this mix in the feeder. If you feel that the number of fish in the swim is getting less and less it can be worth introducing some more bait via the spod. On popular venues this won't affect the fishing too much and you'll soon have specimen sized tench queuing up!

Step One:

Add a mixture of 2mm Krill Feed Pellets and 2mm S-Pellet Feed to a groundbait bowl

Step Two:

Next, add a tin of Natural Hemp


Step Three:

A large handful of red maggots are added next

Step Four:

Mix all of the baits together and you are ready to go!

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červen 2019

What's Your Speci-F-Lava
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